

In 2011, the Future Investment Plan (PIA) funded the creation of 6 Hospital-University Institutes with the aim of equipping France with centers of excellence in research, healthcare, training, and technology transfer in the field of health.

In 2016, the State and ariis (Alliance for Research and Innovation in Health Industries) wished to promote these 6 IHUs to the socio-economic world and joined forces to organize the IHU Meeting.

It was an opportunity to present the 6 IHUs to major pharmaceutical companies.


Politique de Protection des Données
En raison des conditions sanitaires, l’événement se tiendra à distance par visioconférence. Seuls les intervenants sont invités à se rendre sur place sur le site de Neurospin, CEA Paris-Saclay. Merci de votre compréhension.

Last editions

International Day of the Hospital-University Institutes


April 6, 2016

Find the program here and the press release here.