The Cohort Innovation Day aims to support collaboration between French cohorts and the healthcare industry. Every two years, the Cohort Innovation Day provides a privileged moment for exchange between industrial teams and excellent cohorts to define new avenues of collaboration on research and development projects.
The Cohort Innovation Day, co-organized by ariis and its partner AVIESAN (Alliance for Life Sciences and Health), is an event focused on cohorts and epidemiological data.
The objective of this event is to promote the potential of French cohorts to accelerate medical research. Indeed, in a context where health data is becoming a major fuel for research, France has a strong advantage: it benefits from numerous cohorts with very high-quality data.
Thus, every two years, around fifteen cohorts are selected to participate in this event and present their work to industrial members of ARIIS through debates, roundtable discussions, and B2B meetings.
To learn more about past and upcoming editions, visit the dedicated event website !
Last editions
2018 – Cohorts et intelligence artificielle
Place: Station F, Paris
Morning: Debates with leading experts intersecting the fields of artificial intelligence and cohorts.
Afternoon: B2B meetings between industries and cohort project leaders to develop new public/private partnerships.

2016 – Cohorts Innovation Day
After the success of this first edition, which brought together nearly 140 researchers, a second edition took place on March 29, 2016. This day, based on scientific presentations, discussions around round tables, and face-to-face meetings between industry representatives and academic researchers, allowed about fifteen companies active in life sciences research to meet with 15 epidemiological cohorts interested in partnership.
The objective of this day is to explore and define various avenues of collaboration between academic project leaders and healthcare industry representatives.

2014 – Cohorts Innovation Day
Epidemiology, public health research, and clinical research are areas of scientific excellence in France. In recent years, significant investments have been made in these areas to strengthen research infrastructure. Within this framework, a number of large cohorts, along with associated biobanks, have been initiated, and existing cohorts have been reinforced.
To support collaboration between companies and these infrastructures, ariis organized a day on this theme in 2014 in partnership with AVIESAN, particularly the ITMO Public Health.