ARIIS and France Biotech are joining forces for the "Biomarkers for Value" event on May 10, 2021!
ARIIS and France Biotech, with the support of health competitiveness clusters, are organizing a day on biomarker issues on May 10, 2021 in order to raise biotechs’ awareness of the issues and challenges of biomarkers and promote public-private collaborations on this subject.

The “Biomarkers for Value” event aims to:
- Highlight the challenges of validating biomarkers and their interest in the development of targeted therapeutic and diagnostic solutions,
- Present the latest advances in biomarkers for clinical research and companion diagnostic purposes,
- Encourage new collaborations between academic teams, biotechnology and diagnostic companies and pharmaceutical laboratories,
- Analyze the possible market access routes for these solutions and sensitize French public authorities to the difficulties and wishes of the biomarker sector.
Find all the information on the site dedicated to the event: