The taskforce "Use of real-world data in decision making" presents its recommendations!
Set up as part of the Strategic Contract for the Healthcare Industry and Health Technologies sectors, which was signed on 04 February 2019, the taskforce “Use of real-world data in decision making” presents now its recommendations.

Co-led by Laurie Lévy-Bachelot (MSD) and Luca Mollo (Pfizer), both representatives of the Health Industry Alliance for Research and Innovation (ARIIS), and Anne Josseran (Resmed), a representative of the National Union of the Medical Technology Industry (SNITEM), this taskforce works in two phases :
- A first phase allows to establish guidance tool to guide stakeholders in the healthcare sector to relevant data types and sources regarding to a typology of question and to map and describe the various families of algorithms in healthcare to provide healthcare stakeholders with keys to data interpretation.
- Secondly, a list of recommendations were established to develop the use of real-world data in decision making. Concrete actions were proposed on six areas of recommendations considered as essential for the stakeholders in the healthcare sector.
This rich educational content resulted resulted in the creation of a dedicated website, produced by ARIIS and now accessible to all at the following link: