Launch of the AMI "Data, AI and Health Care Procedures" by the Healthcare Industry and Technology Strategic Committee

Are you involved in the healthcare sector, in data exploitation and healthcare procedures?
Are you interested in participating in a large-scale project aiming to improve public healthcare procedures ?
Find all the information on this Call for Expression of Interest: “DATA, AI, and HEALTH CARE”.
"Data, AI and Healthcare Procedures"
This new project "Data, AI and Healthcare Procedures", led by a group of private sector participants (pharmaceutical laboratories, medical equipment manufacturers and digital health companies) as well as public health bodies, is part of the "AI and Health” program of the CSF (Comité Stratégique de Filière) and the ITS (Technologies de la Santé).
To Identify and follow through groundbreaking innovations involving the use of healthcare data to improve procedures, and enhance the participation of the industrial sector, strengthening the public-private dialogue.
Who is this event for?
Anyone in the healthcare sector (public or private, patient associations, etc.) interested in participating in pilot projects concerning the use of data applications to combat shortcomings in healthcare procedures.
Submit your project
Find all the information on this Call for Expression of Interest: "DATA, AI, and HEALTH CARE".