ariis serves as an interface between companies in the healthcare sector and French public research to catalyse synergies between public and private research and innovation stakeholders, enhancing their international attractiveness.

Next ariis event

September 5, 2024 in Intitut Imagine
- Our latest events
On 8 July, ariis members visited the C2N Centre de nanosciences et de nanotechnologies health department in Palaiseau.
The HYBRID Days, born from the International Research Meetings, aim to promote internationally research or technologies in which France excels.
- ariis in a nutshell
Established in 2010, the Alliance for Research and Innovation in the Health Industries (ariis) aims to bring together the healthcare sector through events or collective projects. ariis interacts with all stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem to:
- To promote French research internationally
- To conduct foresight on disruptive innovation likely to transform healthcare in the future
- To support the digital transformation of the healthcare sector, particularly focusing on health data and artificial intelligence.
ariis defines itself as a focal point for national research and innovation.